Saturday, September 26, 2009

Would Socrates approve of WebQuest?

I believe Socrates would approve of using WebQuest to teach students. Socrates was not a conventional teacher, he taught his students anywhere and everywhere, not confined to a classroom. With this in mind, I think he would approve of looking outside the textbooks and workbooks and allowing students to learn through working with technology since it has expanded so much in the last few years and will continue to grow in the years to come. Since Socrates believed we learn best by asking questions and testing answers against reason and fact, using WebQuests we can teach students how to do the research it takes to discover answers to some of the everyday questions in life and in school. I think Socrates would like to see us blending the knowledge from before the technology with the knowledge during and after the discovery of technology. One shouldn't out-weigh the other but should both work together to teach our students in the best way possible.

After looking at the Taxonomy WebQuest, I think my WebQuest is designed around the Compilation Tasks.


  1. I like your balanced approach to using the Internet in the Internet in the Classroom! Socrates would approve!

  2. Let me know if you need help creating a student work sample! I didn't see one posted!
