Tuesday, September 15, 2009

My PhotoStory

During class we were asked to create a PhotoStory describing what we believe is a good teacher and stating what kind of teacher we are going to be when we get our own classroom. You can view my PhotoStory below or also at http://www.teachertube.com/members/myProfile.php


  1. You did a good job. I enjoyed the multiple quotes and the transition between photos.

  2. Great job! I like the quote about a teacher is like a candle and the picture that was the background for that slide. :)

  3. The quote you selected about the work waiting while you show a child a rainbow was great; it's important as future teachers to remember that how significant those little unexpected moments can be. Great job!

  4. Great! I liked the different quotes and music =)

  5. I really enjoyed your PhotoStory & how the images & quotes fit together so well! good job of showing what teaching means to you!! :)
