Thursday, September 17, 2009

Media Collage

Students should be allowed to create multimedia projects instead of writing papers in school. Most school systems are allowing more and more time for students to spend on computers and in computer labs. Technology is becoming more of use among citizens, students, and teachers. There is one section of the NETS-T standards that is dedicated to using technology in the classroom to teach students to incorporate digital tools and resources into their learning and creativity, to develop technology-enriched learning environments that enables students to set their own educational goals, manage learning and assess progress. There are also standards that ask educators to customize learning activities to address learning styles, working strategies and abilities using digital tools and resources.

I believe students should still write papers sometimes, but they also need to be introduced more to technology since technology is becoming much more popular in the schools. They need to have the knowledge of the technology in order to progress later on in school and life.


  1. How does the video "The Power of One" influence your thinking on this?

  2. I haven't been able to view the movie. It won't load on the computer, it shows up with an error. I will keep trying and then re-post with the rest.
