Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Website Validation

I chose to validate the website "California Velcro Crop Under Challenge". I do not believe this site has very much reliability. There is only one author to the site and when you go to the information for the this author that is provided on the site the subtitle of the page is "A totally bogus Biography". Not only does the website state this at that point, but also at the bottom of the page, the author states "This totally bogus biography and completely fictional catalog of preposterous products will be updated as new developments warrant". If the author of the site creates a bogus biography and fictional catalogs, what is the chance that the rest of the material on the site is bogus and fictional? Very high!

There have also not been any updates on this site since January 6, 1998 when the "bogus wave" was added.

To visit the website, please Click here

1 comment:

  1. Good use of information literacy strategies to validate this site!
